The Green House Timeline

What we were working with!

There is always a beginning to any home restoration or renovation and we would like to show everyone what we were working with when we started ours and where our renovation began.  As you will see our house had landscaping, foundation, color scheme and basic maintenance issues...other than that it was perfect!
So we will start with the day we bought click on each picture below to see how she looked back then and what we have done up until now.

July 4, 2005

No more Bumpy Driveway!

Once we had the house leveled we decided to get the driveway fixed.  If was in very poor shape and we hated it.  There was sections that were completely loose and when you drove over them they would make funny sounds and it was so was like you were offroading.  It took these guys 3 days to complete and we had to stay off of it for another 3 days and then we were good to go. 

Even to this day we are so glad we spent our money on a new drive.  It was hard to make that decision at first, knowing how much work we had to do to the house and wanting to spend our money wisely.  Click the new drive and check out the transformation.

July 18, 2005

Lets Sod this Front Yard!

After our driveway was put in we started trying to get things organized inside our house.  We got Mal's room setup, our room setup and in general tried to get the house in some kind of order(which is still hard to do to this!!!).  This house is small, and now without the back room it's even smaller.  Remember we came from a house that had 1920 sq. feet, this house when we bought it was a little over 1600 sq. feet and now it's around 1400 sq. feet with the removal of the back room.  I've completely gotten off track here, lets get back to the main point.

So we are settled in as best as we can be and had the front yard leveled and the grass that was there removed and we decided we didn't want to go through the winter without sod, so we sodded it.  We put down St. Augustine grass(best to plant in May if you can be patient), I so love this grass, it's so beautiful.

So click on me laying sod and checkout our fun!

September 20, 2005