Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of Third Grade

Both were excited about going back to school (even though Avery isn't starting school yet) they were in a good mood and ready for the new school year.  You can tell Mallory is still half asleep, but awake!  Our girls are by no means morning people, they are more evening types.  We have the hardest time getting them to go to bed and an even harder time waking them up.  Getting to wear new clothes always helps making getting dress a little more appealing.  Mallory had a wonderful first day and loves her teacher and her class.  She is going to have a wonderful year and are so looking forward to her progress.  She is so smart and we are so proud of her and Avery too...next year will be really neat with Avery starting kindergarten.

Doesn't she look so cute with her new backpack that she picked out.  The night before to chose the clothes she was going to wear.  She also dressed herself and did her own hair.  She has been looking forward to this day all summer, she loves school and loves to learn.